Pilates develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit
Joseph Pilates

Joseph Pilates Joseph Pilates

Joseph PilatesJoseph Pilates set out a system of exercises that had the perfect balance of strength and flexibility. This method of movement was originally created by Pilates to rehabilitate prisoners of World War I, and was so incredibly effective, it became its own form of fitness.

Pilates is a good work out for everyone, but it isn’t JUST to look good, it is for your health. Targeting the deep postural muscles, Pilates works by building strength from the inside out.

Pilates is about posture, movement and core strength. By educating your muscles to work in a better way and improving your strength and alignment you can help correct the physical imbalances which creep into your body through overusing some muscles and under using others.

For example repetitive activities such as driving, operating a computer, using the phone, or poor posture or injury can leave imbalances, and regular Pilates aims to correct them.

The primary benefit of the reformer Is that it offers the opportunity to add variable resistance to movement – it can either be combined with gravity to add physical challenge or it can be used offset gravity and reduce the physical challenge. Much of the reformer repertoire comprises closed chain exercises which help the learning process due to the increased feedback. This closed chain environment also introduces compressive forces so varying the amount of force can be used to change the amount, and type, of stability challenged within the exercise. Also the reformer allows me as a teacher, to view the client in a symmetrical grid, creating an ideal environment for correcting alignment and symmetry.

* Single lessons £45
* Booked in blocks of 5 – £40 so £200

So, How Does it Work?

Pilates is a mental and physical body conditioning programme that uses exercises to change the way we use our bodies. It aims to improve muscle recruitment patterns by restoring good postural alignment and regaining natural, normal movement.

Central to the Body Control Pilates® Method taught by Zoetic is ‘awareness of your own body’ and each and every exercise is built around its eight basic principles:

By working on the deep architectural structure of the body, ‘core stability’ is achieved, and then maintained, through increasingly complex movement sequences. Specific problem-areas can be targeted by an exercise, but always in relation to the rest of one’s body.

Your body awareness is heightened by bringing together mind and body – Body Control Pilates® literally teaches you to be in control of your body, allowing you to handle stress more effectively and achieve relaxation more easily.

The Mobility to Power Relationship


Starting at Power may compromise Stability and Mobility resulting in injury or impeded performance.


Starting at Mobility first and progressing through Stability, Strength and Endurance will result in Power with a reduced risk of injury & ability to increase performance levels.

How Do I Start?

Simply get in touch with Chris (see our Resources Page) to ask questions or to request an Enrolment Form – these can be downloaded on our Forms Page. Complete the Enrolment Form including the brief medical history and return it to Chris.

Chris will need to see you for at least one private 1:1 session to go through the Pilates fundamentals and to ensure you will be comfortable in a group class situation. This also allows Chris to adapt any exercises to suit your particular fitness goals or health concerns highlighted from your enrolment form. This initial 1:1 will be at half price – £20.

How Do I Prepare?

You are not required to bring any specialist kit or equipment. In order to assess and check posture and alignment constantly, clothing should be close-fitting but allow freedom of movement. Gentlemen, if you wear shorts please ensure they are close fitting or wear cycling style shorts underneath. Non slip socks or bare feet are fine.

Please do not eat a heavy meal before a session, allow at least 2 hours to elapse. It is not advisable to exercise under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or if you are feeling fatigued or ill.

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